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标题: ADVANCED英文雜誌內文(A) [打印本页]

作者: wayne    时间: 2004-11-4 20:52     标题: ADVANCED英文雜誌內文(A)

The "king of Asian R&B" shares from his heart   


Not every pop star would refer to his career as "a little detour onto the road of music." But then, David Tao is not your typical pop sensation.

Tao burst onto the Asian music scene in 1997, winning two Golden Melody Awards in 1998 for Best Newcomer and Best Album Producer with his self-titled debut album. Since then, he has earned numerous awards throughout Asia as both a singer and producer. Though Tao has become known as "the king of Asian rhythm and blues," his most recent album, Soul Power, shows that his musical talent extends into pop, hip-hop and other genres as well. Tao's proteges, the Asian-American boy band Tension, have brought him further acclaim, as has his songwriting for other artists.

Born in Hong Kong and raised in both Taiwan and the U.S., Tao's views and music show the influence of both cultures. Here, David Tao shares his thoughts about his music, background, dreams and more with Advanced Studio Classroom writer Amy Klein.

Amy Klein: How do your childhood dreams compare with what you're doing now?

David Tao: When I was young, I never dreamed of being a musician. I was always very interested in many things and went through many phases. I've had jobs ranging from shoe salesman to one hour photofinisher to police officer. I majored in psychology and film, and after college I was planning to get into the film business. I still want to write and direct, although I've taken a little detour onto the road of music.

Your dreams change as you grow, but it's important to always have dreams and passions in life. I see a lot of people attend Ivy League schools and achieve academic excellence and then land great-paying, prestigious jobs but they are unhappy. Why? Usually because they are not doing what they enjoy. In essence, they are not fulfilling their dreams. That balance of being realistic and idealistic is very important in life.

Discussion Questions :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

These discussion questions can serve as a starting point to guide you in talking about the article. Get together with a friend and discuss the questions that follow.

1. Have you ever wanted to be famous? What are the advantages and disadvantages you see in stardom?

2. What are you passionate about? How does that passion affect your goals and decisions?

3. Would you rather be rich or do something you love? Would you be willing to live with the consequences? Explain.


More About David
Birth Name: 陶緒忠(Tao Xu Zhong)
Current Name: 陶吉吉(Tao Zhe)
English Name: David Tao
Birth Place: Hong Kong
Birth Date: July 11, 1969
Education: UCI, UCLA
Major: Psychology and Film
"I'm OK"—1999
"Black Tangerine"—2002
"Ultrasound 1997-2003"—2003
"Soul Power"—2003


Amy Klein: What makes it easy or difficult to have integrity in the pop industry?

David Tao: It is very difficult to maintain integrity in doing music. There is pressure from all sides to put out a product that is commercially viable yet musically innovative. However, these two things can often be at odds since the market is often slow in accepting new things. It's very easy to "sell out" and just make songs that pander to the general public, but soon you'll find your laziness catching up with you when you repeat yourself and are criticized for being out of date. If you can understand the market while still doing what you feel and love, then you should be able to find that happy medium. However, that's very difficult as you can see by how few musicians in Asia can survive for an extended amount of time.

Amy Klein: You've said you see music as a gift from God, and that your mission is to spread peace and love through your music. Could you tell us more about that?

David Tao: Music has the power to heal and destroy. Sometimes my music is angry and volatile but in the end I always want to provide solace and love through my music. It's not something I necessarily try to do but it just happens when I write—like when I wrote "Dear God." I just sat there with a guitar one day while feeling extremely depressed and then this melody came out of nowhere. At first, it was just a series of fragmented notes but later it led me to a song. It was quite amazing but I knew it was something sent from above.

Discussion Questions :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

These discussion questions can serve as a starting point to guide you in talking about the article. Get together with a friend and discuss the questions that follow.

1. What is your mission in life? What are you doing to reach your goal?

2. If you were constantly in the public eye, how would you deal with critics and a judgmental public? Do you think you would be able to handle the pressure? Why or why not?

3. Has someone ever impacted your life without knowing it? Consider writing them a letter or e-mail to thank them for what they did. Would you like to be able to affect the lives of people you don’t even know? Explain.


Amy Klein: How have you found people perceive you as an "overseas Chinese" in the Asian pop industry?

David Tao: I have been educated in both Taiwan and the U.S. I feel like I had a great mix of both and am really a product of both cultures. I don't really know how people perceive me and, honestly, that's something I really don't think about. I just try to do what I do well and work hard at it. That's the most important thing. I try to constantly learn and educate myself about my surroundings and background because I feel it's important to know one's roots and stay true to them.

Amy Klein: How do you measure success?

David Tao: Success to me is when you can change the world for the better and become a better human being in the process. The world is full of problems and chaos, and if I can make it just a little bit happier and more hopeful, then I feel I have used my gifts from God to serve a greater purpose rather than just to glorify myself or what I'm creating. Success is when somebody comes up to me and says, "David, your music cheered me up and gave me hope in my darkest hour."

Amy Klein: If you were to do your career all over again, what would you do differently?

David Tao: I feel that everything I've done has been part of a plan. God's plan. Not everything I've done is perfect or even close to that, but I feel that I've tried to learn from my mistakes and shortcomings. I don't harbor regret. I try to move on and make changes in my life and behavior. Sometimes you just have to work your hardest and let God lead the way. I truly believe that.

Discussion Questions :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

These discussion questions can serve as a starting point to guide you in talking about the article. Get together with a friend and discuss the questions that follow.

1. Do you live with regret or do you try to learn from your experiences? How does that help or hinder your ability to be successful?

2. What are some things you are thankful for? Explain why you are thankful for them.

3. If you could be anything you wanted, what would you be? Discuss what impact that would have on your relationships and lifestyle.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-4 20:57:20编辑过]

作者: wayne    时间: 2004-11-4 20:55



胡怡敏 譯

    自那以後,他已經以歌手兼製作人的身分,在亞洲各地贏得無數獎項。雖然陶吉吉被稱為「亞洲節奏藍調之王」,他的最新專輯,Soul Power,證明他的音樂才華也延伸至流行、嘻哈和其他類型的音樂。陶吉吉調教出來的亞裔美籍年輕男子流行樂團「天炫男孩」,以及他為其他歌手所做的曲子,也為他帶來更多的激賞。

陳愛敏: 你如何比較孩提時代的夢想與現在的演藝事業?
陶吉吉: 我小時候從未夢想成為一個音樂家。我一直對許多事情很有興趣,而且經歷許多階段。我的工作包括了鞋子銷售員,一小時相片沖印員,還有警察。我主修心理學和電影。大學畢業後,我原本計畫進軍電影事業。雖然我已在一段迂迴之後步上音樂之路,但我還是希望有機會寫作和導演。


胡怡敏 譯

陳愛敏: 在流行樂壇中保持誠信品格,有什麼容易,或是困難的地方呢?
陶吉吉: 從事音樂工作時要保持誠信,確實很困難。有來自各方的壓力,要推出商業上可行性高,同時在音樂上推陳出新的作品。然而,這兩件事通常會互相牴觸,因為市場接受新穎點子的速度通常很慢。我們很輕易可以「出賣」自己,只要做出迎合一般大眾的音樂;但是很快地,當你不斷重複,被批評落伍時,你就會發現自己嚐到怠惰的惡果。如果你能了解市場胃口,也在做自己深有感受並熱愛的東西,你就應該會發現一個中庸之道。然而這相當困難,因為你可以看到,亞洲很少有音樂家能夠長時間屹立不搖。

陳愛敏: 你說過你視音樂為來自神的禮物,而你人生的目的就是透過音樂宣揚和平和愛。你能不能對此多說一些?
陶吉吉: 音樂擁有醫治和摧毀的力量。有時候我的音樂很憤怒而且反覆無常,但是在最後,我總是希望透過音樂提供安慰和愛。這並不是我必須嘗試去做的事,但是當我在寫歌時就自然會發生——像是當我在寫「Dear God」時。有一天我就這麼抱著吉他坐著,感到極端地沮喪,然後這個旋律就莫名地浮現。一開始,它只是一系列片斷的音符,但是之後就引領著我寫了一整首歌。聽起來很驚人,但是我知道,這是來自天上的靈感。


胡怡敏 譯

陳愛敏: 你如何看待人們視你為亞洲流行樂壇的「海外華人」?
陶吉吉: 我在台灣和美國均受過教育。我覺得我擁有兩者很好的混合,而且也確實是這兩種文化下的產物。我並不很確定人們如何看待我,而且老實說,我不會去想到那一點。我只是試著做我擅長的事,並且全力以赴。那才是最重要的。我試著不斷地學習,也教育自己了解周圍的事物和背景,因為我認為了解自己的根源,並且忠於它們,是很重要的。
陳愛敏: 你如何衡量成功?
陶吉吉: 對我來說,成功就是當你讓世界變得更好,而且也在過程當中蛻變成為更好的人。這個世界充滿問題和混亂,但如果我可以讓世界變得開心一點,更有盼望一些,那麼我就覺得我有好好利用上帝給我的天份,來貢獻一個更遠大的目標,而非僅是褒揚自我,或是我所創作的作品。成功就是,當某人來到我面前對我說,「陶吉吉,你的音樂讓我感到快樂振奮,而且在我最低潮的時候給我希望。」
陳愛敏: 如果你能夠讓你的音樂生涯從頭來過,你會做哪些不同的事?
陶吉吉: 我認為我做的每件事都是一項計畫的一部分——上帝的計畫。並非我所做的每件事都是完美的,其實甚至還差很遠呢,但是我認為我已經試著從錯誤和缺點中學習。我心中不存遺憾。我嘗試勇往直前,並且在生命和行為中做出改變。有時候,你就是要盡力去做,然後讓上帝來帶領。我由衷的相信這一點。

原名:陶緒忠(Tao Xu Zhong)
現行名字:陶吉吉(Tao Zhe)
英文名字:David Tao
「陶吉吉(Taoism)」— 1997
「I'm OK」— 1999
「黑色柳丁」— 2002
「樂之路 1997 - 2003」— 2003
「Soul Power」— 2003 [url]

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-4 20:59:00编辑过]

作者: wayne    时间: 2004-11-4 20:56


David Tao: In His Own Words

Extra Interview Questions

What do you do to relax? “I enjoy driving and visiting museums very much. That’s something I do quite a lot of while I'm back in L.A. I enjoy the space, the freeways and the sunshine. I enjoy racing and appreciate sports cars. I sometimes feel that I have too many hobbies because I’m so interested in so many things. I like to spend time alone since I grew up as a single child but I also enjoy hanging out with my friends since I don’t get to see them often.”

What three things are you most thankful for? “I’m thankful for having God in my life and that he constantly keeps me in check and leads me. I’m also thankful for all the friends, colleagues and family that are around me because I feel so loved and cared for. I also thank God for allowing me to see all of this and to be able to appreciate everything. I must admit that I have been very privileged and blessed but it's even more of a blessing to be able to see and cherish it. Some people have so much but they don’t get to see it for some reason.”

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received? “Two pieces of advice. One is that you can make anything happen if you work hard and believe. When in doubt, keep believing and work doubly hard. Don’t let anyone tell you no or never. Second piece of advice is to have faith in God. Faith is hard to come by. More difficult than money, gold or power. The Bible often says, ‘ of little faith...’ And, yes, we are all often times of little faith. Yet when we have faith in God and let Him lead the way, we are always rewarded with more than we can imagine or ask for.”

Of all the songs you've written, which is your favorite and why? “It’s difficult to pick one particular song as my favorite since they each have different meanings to me. However, I am happy with ‘Black Tangerine’ and ‘Dear God’ as they are songs that reflect society and really express my feelings toward the world in which we live. The greatest feeling is being able to express yourself, and for me that would be through music. Technical achievements are not really a measure of success for me but rather the message I'm trying to get across. If music is trendy, popular and sonically amazing but it has no meaning then it's just a means to an end and that doesn't interest me.”




『很難挑出一首特定歌曲為我的最愛,因為它們對我各有意義。然而,我對於「黑色柳丁」和「Dear God」覺得很滿意,因為這些歌曲反映了社會,也表達了我對於我們生活的世界的感受。能夠表達自我,就是最美妙的感覺;對我而言,這種感覺就是透過音樂得到。我不把技巧上的成就當作成功的基準,我試著傳達的訊息才是。如果音樂夠時髦,夠受歡迎,而且旋律很棒,但是沒有特殊意義,那它只是一個達到目標的手段,我不感興趣。』

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-4 21:00:37编辑过]

作者: 哈里路呀    时间: 2004-11-25 18:02


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